Tina Wendon

Faux Effects & Trompe L’Oeil


The following pieces are the product of a unique technique, initially a serendipitous result of an experiment, but then deliberately developed by the artist over several years to create original, faux effects.

Here, it is used to produce an aged, eroded finish to a group of images sourced from ancient maps. The finished works were applied like wallpaper to enhance the niche walls of an Italian restaurant in the prestigious Samoset Resort in Rockport, ME.

This same process may be applied to any image where a weathered look is desired.
The possibilities are endless.

email: info@tinawendon.com
phone: 603-504-4703
website: www.tinawendon.com

VINTAGE MAP ONE through SIX, mixed media works on rolled canvas, 62.5″ x 38.5″
Samoset Resort, Rockport, ME (permanent installation)
Commissioned by Truex Cullins Interiors for Ocean Properties


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TROMPE L’OEIL ARCH, acrylic on bare concrete, 72″ x 72″, work in progress

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Another series of faux effect pieces designed to imitate worn, cracked, ancient tiles. The size range is typically between 4″ x 4″ and 12″ x 12″. These involve a medieval hunting theme developed for an open, manor-style kitchen, but the image possibilities are many and varied.

Students’ Work


Jade loves to draw but she is new to painting. We created some random, colorful, canvas tiles and settled down with a bowl of strawberries. She selected a single strawberry, picked up her brush and painted what she saw, focusing on shapes, contrasts and light to create volume and depth. She took a bite and painted another picture. With one more bite and one more painting her short Strawberry Story was almost at an end. She decided the final pieces would show just a few leaves, maybe a stalk. Jade has a plan for her next series; stark, black silhouettes on her colorful, textured grounds. Her own art story has just begun. Click images to expand.

“That was an incredible lesson! Great art, food and fun! After only two lessons I crown you the BEST art teacher EVER!!!”
—Jade Goree, Albany, CA

email: info@tinawendon.com
phone: 603-504-4703
website: www.tinawendon.com


Portrait Gallery

email: info@tinawendon.com
phone: 603-504-4703
website: www.tinawendon.com

Works In Progress

[Not a valid template] TROMPE L’OEIL STONE ARCH on concrete

72″ x 72″, work in progress, private commission

[Not a valid template] OFFERING HANDS, acrylic on Tyvek, 80′ x 20′
Mission Mural proposal at Folsom & 14th, San Francisco

[Not a valid template] OFFERING HANDS, acrylic on Tyvek, 80′ x 20′
Mission Mural proposal at Folsom & 14th, San Francisco

email: info@tinawendon.com
phone: 603-504-4703
website: www.tinawendon.com

Fresh Off The Easel

LUCY, oil on linen, 24″ x 30″












ADELE, 24″ x 24″, oil on canvas, 2015
Private Commission

ALICE, 48" x 32", oil on canvas

ALICE, 48″ x 32″, oil on canvas.
Showed at AGORA GALLERY, NYC, January 16 – February 5, 2013.

ELOISE, oil on canvas, 40″ x 30″
Private Commission


email: info@tinawendon.com
phone: 603-504-4703
website: www.tinawendon.com

Virtual Open Studio

WELCOME to my VIRTUAL OPEN STUDIO! Click images to expand.

email: info@tinawendon.com
phone: 603-504-4703
website: www.tinawendon.com



CANYON RANCH MURAL, LENOX, MA (permanent installation), oil on linen, 120″ x 72″

email: info@tinawendon.com
phone: 603-504-4703
website: www.tinawendon.com


Figurative Works Gallery

Click on image to expand.

A TIME TO DANCE, ink & oil on canvas, 48″ x 72″
Showing at Agora Gallery, January 16, 2013 – February 5, 2013

CIRQUE, ink & oil on canvas, 48″ x 60″

MIRROR, ink & oil on canvas, 36″ x 48″
Showing at Agora Gallery, January 16, 2013 – February 5, 2013

EARLY MORNING, ink & oil on canvas, 72″ x 48″

HIS WHITE SHIRT, ink & oil on canvas, 36″ x 60″

LATE NIGHT, ink & oil on canvas, 48″ x 48″

STALLION, ink & oil on canvas, 60″ x 36″

GOSSIP, ink & oil on linen, 32″ x 48″

email: info@tinawendon.com
phone: 603-504-4704
website: www.tinawendon.com

Drawings & Sketches

A key figure in my own creative landscape was the great ceramicist, Beatrice Wood. Back in the days of Dada, Beatrice arrived on the art scene as a rebellious ingénue entangled in a scandalous threesome with Marcel DuChamp and Henri-Pierre Roché (as recorded in her 1985 autobiography, ‘I Shock Myself). Her own art career started when she was 52 years old with some clumsy, naîve, clay figures. It ended 52 years later with her death at the age of 104. I knew Beato as an eccentric friend when she was in her mid-90’s and still producing prolifically. I greatly admired her fortitude and fearless ability to engage the art world with exquisite glazes and saucy, tongue-in-cheek ceramic figures – each one would make a daring social comment or lay a relationship bare.

I took samples of her work and drew them. It became a tribute series of sixteen pieces. Dense, sensitive, larger-than-life charcoal and conté drawings of her quirky pottery, each paired with a piece of my own handmade bread. Hence the name of my ensuing show, “Bread & Beato”. Beatrice graced the opening with her vibrant presence, swathed in a bright Indian sari, her white hair piled atop her head and a fierce slash of lipstick. Most of the work sold that same night.



email: info@tinawendon.com
phone: 603-504-4703
website: www.tinawendon.com

Still Lifes

TRUFFLE TOO, oil on linen, 12″ x 12″

TRUFFLE, ink & oil on canvas, 24′ x 24″

ANTIQUE TACK, oil on canvas, 36″ x 48″, unfinished

email: info@tinawendon.com
phone: 603-504-4703
website: www.tinawendon.com